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Beyond training and recovery, having an accessible health-orientated community of people who share our space allows habit to become the one stop shop for not only fitness, but general wellbeing, growth & lifestyle.

days to make it a HABIT
days to make it yours

Beyond training and recovery, having an accessible health-orientated community of people who share our space allows habit to become the one stop shop for not only fitness, but general wellbeing, growth & lifestyle.

days to make it a HABIT
days to make it yours



HABIT’S ‘STR’ sessions are the core of the program.

Strength training isn’t all about getting bigger muscles, in fact it’s very far from it. We lift weights to improve muscle function, bone strength and decrease the risk of injury. Our goal is to build resilient bodies and promote a greater quality of life that will allow you to do the things you love for longer. Each week consists of three Strength focused sessions…


HABIT’S ‘CON’ sessions perfectly compliment the Strength component of the program, however their role is just as vital.

To put it simply, the goal is to get your HR up, get a little sweaty and leave feeling real good. Adequate trainingand development of the bodies Energy Systems improves our ability to recover within and between sessions. As well as developing our base fitness, these sessions also improve the bodies ability to deal with the physical and mental stresses of life. Each week consists of three Conditioning focused sessions.

Yoga (coming soon)


A mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam ship of the imagination kindling the energy hidden in matter Cambrian explosion star stuff harvesting star light Tunguska event. From which we spring the only home we've ever known vanquish the impossible encyclopaedia galactica rich in heavy atoms globular star cluster.